Monday 14 May 2012

There's Blemishes then there are Balms.....

Hello Angel Cakes!!

Doesn't time just fly the older you get?? i dont remember it flying when i was an ickle wickle junior... Anyhoooo i hope you are doing well and grabbing the sun when the clouds move!! oh my days i am not feeling this weather like even one bit, it kind of confuses me. What to wear what not to wear, what shoes to wear or not to wear, what makeup to wear.... i think you get me by now?!

So recently like very recently i went under the knife :(( and no it was not cosmetic surgery i would and cannot deal with physical pain as i realised. So i had surgery on the face YES!!! i know i was invisible to all forms of human life for a few weeks but i am on the mend now with the pain still lingering in the background. Violins play in the background for myself.. lol

On a more serious note my skin has totally suffered because of this. It has completely dried out like a prune... well not literally but it has become incredibly dry probably because of dehydration and the fact that even touching my face was not allowed for a few weeks. So i have had to totally change my skin care routine and makeup.

Today i am going to start off with a product that i have had for a while and now pulled out again as it suits my skin perfectly as it is going through this dry stage.

No 17 Blemish balm in medium

So i have tried a few high street blemish balms and at the moment i am kind of loving this. Now as with all products it claims to do a lot of things that mind you it doesnt. It claims to conceal and give coverage to all blemishes. Now it does not do that. I would say that if you have pigmentation or any other issues on your skin then this little number will help to brighten up and give you a more even looking skin tone. It does not conceal for s**t.
But all in all i do love using this. Slightly greasy but then with my dry skin at the moment it works brillza.
I am happy with this but remember different products work differently for different people. Try saying that fast 3 times :)

What is the best BB cream you have tried??

I want some of this right about now....

image courtesy of weheartit

Ciao for now

Jess xx


  1. ive heard so much about BB creams they seem to be everywhere now! i must try one! mm i want that cake! haha

    1. Definately try one out they are great for those days when you can't be bothered to put a full face on :) x
